Snow and nips
Enjoy Meridas life in her words, in her diary. Created in 2013. Go back and read old posts and check out her new ones. Updated weekly!
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I know Merida that darn snow Grrrr! Oh I hope your poppies don’t stay stuck! It’s good you support your brother… keep encouraging him! Soon the snow will stop🤞🤞🤞🤞💜💜💜
Mom keeps trying to sneak me stuff to keep them poops soft. But i know her tricks! I am down for it so she doesn’t have to pretend its special. Hard poops hurt so ill take the stuff to help!
I do hope the snow goes soon. Then I have to wait fur it to dry too. 😾
O no muffin merida how dare they in the sky putting snow down in your garden when you are ready to play with the bugs after waiting so long a triljoen time
And the the new bird want you have to think they are the naughty magpie you will learn them a lesson they don’t have to mess with you
I think imma catch a magpie this year! Make sure they KNOW who’s boss! Then i’ll never be scared again.