Being a good girl
Enjoy Meridas life in her words, in her diary. Created in 2013. Go back and read old posts and check out her new ones. Updated weekly!
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Muffins 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I laughed hard when said you explained the enema to booster!!! You like surprise others with you running don’t you💜 keep doing your schmuggles with mom! And lots of purrrrrs for healing sweet girl! 💜♥️💜♥️
Somebody had to tell him!! I know he is mean to me sometimes but NO KITTY should have to suffer through that MOL! I try but Booster is always up there.
I’m so proud of Merida. I just had to put my 14 year old black cat (Ladybug) to sleep on 01/20/2024. She was such a sweet little baby. She purred up to the end. Love you cats and give them a hug for me.
I am so sad fur you. Lots of people are losing their kitties lately… i let all my furends and siblings at the rainbow bridge to help Ladybug around that new world. But theres always lots of wonderful pets up there
I send you lots of kisses 😽😽😽😽😽